LocalBlox.com 8pm. Saturday night. Looking for somewhere to go. But you‘ve got nobody to go with. Wait. Yes you do! That‘s because localblox.com is here for you with an online place to connect with people in your neighborhood. Meet the neighbors you never knew you had. Eat at the restaurants you never knew where there. Get coupons and special deals for stores and local small businesses.

That‘s what we do. Localblox connects people and neighbors. So if you are a local small business looking for more customers, check out our community as a place to spread your message in your neighborhood. Market your own products and business to your neighborhood using Localblox. For free. Why is this cool? Sure there are many other platforms you can use to market to people with local social media. But people come to Localblox to find people and events and deals that are in their community that they can get physically involved with right away. So this is a great opportunity for you to announce any specials at your place of business that locals and neighbors will want to check out.

Business owners are making more money and getting more customers by using Localblox. They are upgrading to what we call our Localblox value packages. From $50 to $250 per month you can get premium advertising to shoppers and consumers in your neighborhood and community. But we‘d like to remind you that you can start for free. If you‘ve never heard of us before, you may want to check us out. We do local news, local networking, gatherings, coupons, all sorts of things. But we keep it all in the neighborhood, in a cozy way.

So what does Localblox NOT do? Well we are sure that there are limitations somewhere, we just don‘t see them, because we see community. We see our neighborhood, and we‘d love to help you see your own neighborhood. Whether it‘s all about getting your product out or making the community aware of your new Neighborhood restaurant or services, we believe it starts in the neighborhood. If you think that‘s cool, then we invite you. It‘s free. And we think it‘s a barrel of fun.

Localblox.com designed to allow residents and local business services and neighborhood social network in specific neighborhoods to meet and interact with their neighbors, LocalBlox is a highly innovative local business listing portal that covers around 60 thousand of neighborhoods throughout the US and allows users to add additional areas. LocalBlox.com Building strong Neighborhood community by connecting neighbors and neighborhoods.

Check out also for : Free Ad Online and Free Business Listing

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