LocalBlox.com Consumers, in this era of social media, have more power than ever before to affect change, and companies that forget that, do so at their own risk. LocalBlox is helping global companies build brands and reputations within local markets for the benefit of all concerned.

“Consumers are more powerful in today‘s Facebook and Twitter era and one negative story from a local store or representative can spoil your global brand rapidly, much like a spreading wildfire,” said Sabira Arefin, CEO and founder of LocalBlox.

The firm provides integrated local social media and mobile tools all in a single hyper local neighborhood social media and mobile platform to bolster brand reputations, stay connected with local customers, and monitor all local, social and mobile interactions of local agents and stores in an integrated social media platform, and can respond in real time if a negative situation occurs. The company offers a single dashboard to communicate to multiple local stores and agents. Each local store /agent has an enhanced profile page that is search-engine-optimized and integrated with all major social media profiles like Facebook and Twitter where local agents can customize messages and daily communications and share with their neighbors on LocalBlox neighborhoods.

The website provides a platform that‘s fully integrated with Facebook and Twitter where praise and complaints can be addressed in a timely manner. Agents in local neighborhoods can bookmark in 50 networking sites, saving valuable time and effort.

Corporate members can automatically filter, track, and monitor any negative keywords to address problems as they arise. A profanity filter is also available. Corporates receive immediate emails, allowing them to prevent damage to brands and reputations that can cost millions in lost business and revenues.

LocalBlox services can be customized to accommodate a variety of needs and requirements. Connecting to consumers in local communities is a key element for continued growth and expansion. Businesses that are perceived by consumers as part of the local community receive more referrals and recommendations than those that are viewed as “outsiders.”

“How local is LocalBlox? If a builder built 20 houses and called it a bluebird community, we probably have that, too,” said Arefin. “LocalBlox will roll out to another 100,000 subdivisions by 2012.”

There‘s power in numbers and social media sites have millions of users who can directly affect the reputations and fortunes of businesses of any size. It‘s essential to deal with problems and complaints as soon as they arise and LocalBlox provides powerful tools and technology to take advantage of the social media revolution while protecting brands.

For more information on LocalBlox Corporate Solution please visit : http://www.localblox.com/LocalSocialMediaforB2CEnterprise/

Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 888-411-8480

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